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inline edit of date fields css issue & no support for custom post status

Hi –

I have two issues.

One, if using the date picker for ‘inline edits’ and the date pickers overlap, they basically can’t be used very well because they appear positioned together (on the same level ). The date pickers should be z-indexed with a solid background and the user should be able to click between the two to focus which one is selected. Setup to dates – start and end – in two columns next to each other, then click inline edit, you basically can’t, cause it is a mesh of the two date pickers.

Second issue – please add support for custom post status when showing post status in the columns.

9 years, 8 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Tim, Thanks for the feedback. I have created a issue on github for the z-index problem, we’ll make sure it get’s fixed.

The displaying of a post status will also be fixed in the next release. We will also try to make it work with inline-edit, which is a bit more complicated. WordPress does not make a distinction between post statusen for a specific posttype, like a WooCommerce “Refunded” status. Which you don’t want in your post status list for posts or pages.

Cheers! Tobias

9 years, 7 months ago

Hi Tobias –

Thanks for the update. Good news about the date pickers, that will be very useful for columns where things like start and end dates are right next to each other.

As for the post status, understood. Though it would at least be cool if the plugin was able to at least show the current post status, maybe in-line editing could come if WP ever does improve upon the post status code.

9 years, 7 months ago
Tobias Schutter

I haven’t been able to reproduce the overlaping datepicker issue. I need a bit more information to reproduce this.

What posttype does this occur?
What date column type do you use? (Custom Field/ACF/Default etc.)

9 years, 7 months ago

Hi Tobias –

Thanks for looking into it. I can send you a screen grab or give you an account on a stage server to log into to see the issue.

What would work for you? You are welcome to contact directly at


9 years, 7 months ago

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