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Kristjan Rebane

Inline edit low on stock – used to be able to.

I used to be able to inline edit low on stock value, but for some time now not anymore. It was very useful as we have lots of products and often change this value based on sales, etc. But since you cannot inline edit it anymore, the value is not updated and it starts losing its purpose.
Can you please change it so it can be inline edited again?

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Just to be sure, are you talking about the ‘Low on Stock Threshold’ column?
Inline Editing should indeed work, but it is good to know that it is limited to certain products only.
If you are able to edit the threshold in the product edit page, you should be able to edit it as well with inline edit.

Simple products that are not virtual or downloadable and have a managed stock, should be editable.

7 months, 3 weeks ago
Kristjan Rebane

Yes, I mean ‘Low on Stock Threshold’ column. But there is no option to edit it.

7 months, 1 week ago
Kristjan Rebane

Standard Low On Stock field

7 months, 1 week ago
Kristjan Rebane

No inline edit option.

7 months, 1 week ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Is it correct that you don’t have the latest version of our plugin?
In your screenshot, you have the ‘Low on Stock’ column.
Aside from that column, we do have a specific ‘Low on Stock Threshold’ column that shows the value for the threshold. That column also supports editing of that value. Of course, the Low on Stock column uses that value, so we could decide to implement the same editing logic for that column as well.

7 months, 1 week ago
Kristjan Rebane

I have the latest version, 6.4.9 but no such column.


7 months, 1 week ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hmm, thanks for the information.
After some investigation, it seems that this column was only activated when the new WooCommerce HPOS system was activated. Since there is no specific HPOS code in this column, there is no reason why this columns is not available for the old post type system as well. We will patch this for the next version, but you can easily change it already in the codebase if you like:

admin-columns-pro/addons/woocommerce/config/columns/shoporder/products.php #36

You can add the following line:


7 months, 1 week ago
Kristjan Rebane

That works. The only problem compared to Low on Stock field is that Low on Stock text does not change the color when the stock is low. This makes hard to spot the products that need to be ordered. So at the moment we need to keep both of the fields even though they show the same value.

7 months ago
Kristjan Rebane

Just correction, they don’t show the same value, but LoS used to show it. It would be create if Low on Stock Threshold would turn orange in case product is low on stock.

7 months ago

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