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Bobby Noonan

Image gallery not showing

I have an ACF repeater field called “Gallery”, that allows us to add images to a gallery. I’d like to show these gallery images as small thumbnails. I tried to do this by using the Custom Field type, and then selection the repeter field “Gallery”, but nothing shows up. The field type is set to Image. Any help would be great. thanks!

3 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Bobby,

The ACF Repeater column type from our ACF integration is quite limited at this moment. The same goes for the ACF Group and Clone field. We’re still working on a big refactor for the ACF integration that will solve this issue, but until then I don’t really have a solution for you.

I’m not sure why you choose to use the Repeater field as a Gallery instead of the actual ACF Gallery field, but I guess that you use the repeater field to attach extra information to the images. When using the default Gallery field, it should work with our ACF integration.

3 years, 2 months ago

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