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Jochen Brückner

I have to double run the smart filter and I also get wrong results

I have a problem with smart filters on a costum posttypes. I have to run the filter twice to get the results and also not all of the correct results are displayed. This function is important because I want to transfer ACF field values into a new ACF field and also my customer wants to use this filter again. My first thought was, that maybe WPML is causing me to run the search twice. However, when I disable WPML I get the same errors, so I didn’t list WPML in the specs.

Here are the system specs:
WP 5.6 (current version)
ACF Pro 5.9.4 (current version)
Admin Columns Pro 5.4.1 (current version)
Admin Columns Pro – ACF 2.6.3 (current version)

I am grateful for any ideas.
Many greetings

3 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Jochen

I remember that a similar issue happens when you have a specific plugin installed. If I remember correctly, it is a search related plugin. Can you try to disable our plugin and try to filter on a default filter without search in the admin and see if you still have the issue. Can you also check if there is a difference in the URL when you hit the filter button for the second time?

3 years, 10 months ago
Jochen Brückner

Hi Stefan,

thanks for the reply. I have no search related plugin installed, nevertheless, filtering with disabled PlugIn works fine.

There is indeed a difference in the urls (already URL decoded):


The second one works better but still not all results are found. This is interessting.

3 years, 10 months ago
Jochen Brückner

I deactivated all plugins except:

Admin Columns Pro
Admin Columns Pro -Advanced Custom Fields

Still the same odd behaviour.

3 years, 10 months ago
Jochen Brückner

One more info:
When I enter the first URL by hand, everything works fine and all the correct results are coming. Clicking on the button to filter everything does not work?

3 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hmm, that is strange.
I thought that it had something to do with the ‘s’ param in the URL being empty.
But when you enter the URL it works. Can you also make sure that sorting is not applied on the overview? there should be a ‘Reset Sorting’ button on top of the overview if that is the case. Also, can you maybe install the plugin ‘Query Monitor’ and see if there are any differences in the query when visiting the two pages? Feel free to share the queries with me at so I can also analyze them.

3 years, 10 months ago
Jochen Brückner

Hi Stefan,
Yes, it realy is strange. Further inspection showed, that the link (vs. the button-click) is only working on one particullar custom post type???
The Sorting is definetly resetted. and the problem persists.
I’m currently installing the Plugin and send you the different queries via email to analyze them.

3 years, 10 months ago
Jochen Brückner

Thank you Stefan for the great support. You guys rock.
The problem did come from the theme not from the plugin.
I did have a custom search inside my theme for better backend search results (searching in multiple custom fields).
With Admin Columns Pro I really don’t need the “advanced search” anymore. This really drove me crazy.
So if anyone has the same issue somewhere, search for meta_query or meta_value inside your theme ;-)

3 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re welcome.
I’m glad I was able to help.
I’ll mark this topic as resolved

3 years, 10 months ago

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