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How to use with GeoDirectory

I have the developer version, and am looking to display custom fields created with GeoDirectory. GeoDirectory has its own functionality to create CPT’s so I’m looking to tie into those fields.

Please advise,

6 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Paul,

What are you trying to accomplish?
I just installed the plugin to see if it is possible in the first place.
I see that the Places post type works as expected and you should also be able to use the custom field column for that overview page. If the post types are listed in the list on our column settings page, than you can add column to the page.

The plugin must use the default WordPress List table and post type registration methods to be recognised by Admin Columns. Otherwise we must create a specific integration for it. At this moment we don’t have anymore new integrations on our roadmap. If you’re interested in writing your own integration, I can give you some more information.

6 years, 5 months ago

Hi Stefan,
Specifically, I’m looking to use their custom fields. However when I select custom fields (in Settings > Admin columns), I am not seeing all of their custom fields displayed in the dropdown. There are a few listed, but not the ones I’ve created through their admin screens.
Yes, I’d be interested in working towards an integration. Any help you can provide to point me in the right direction would be appreciated.

6 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Paul,

Do you know how the custom fields are stored? If they are stored in the postmeta table, then they should be available in our plugin. Please notice that there must be at least one record in the database for that custom field for our plugin to recognize it.

If the custom fields are stored in a different way, then the only way to support it, is to create a new column. When you download the ACF integration, you can get a good idea on how an integration addon could look like. You could also have a look at this documentation that explains how to create your own column, maybe this is enough since you probably only need one column.

You probably have to write your own setting that will list the custom fields in a dropdown. In that case you could have a look again in the ACF integration were we created a setting that displays all ACF fields using the ACF API. Unfortunately we don’t really have more documentation on how to write your own settings, so a lot of looking to our existing code and the documentation above would be my advice.

If you have any other questions, please let me know through mail at
For now I will close this topic.

6 years, 5 months ago

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