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Eva Mieslinger

How to show Admin Columns on my WP-Page

Hi there,
I guess it’s a very basic question, but I’m quite new on Admin Columns.
It is great, to create Pages and Field with Admin Columns. But I can’t get to the point, to view the created fields on my WP-Page.
Thanks in advance

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Eva,
Can you explain to me what you mean by WP-Page?
Our plugin is not really intended to create fields, but it allows you to create columns for (already available) custom fields on your WordPress admin overview pages. Once you create columns for an admin overview page, it should be visible.

Based on your message, I kind of suspect that you’re talking about Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) and not about our product. For some reason that is a common mistake since we have an integration for ACF and customers often think that we’re the author of that plugin.

4 years, 5 months ago
Eva Mieslinger

I’ve created custom fields with Pods, but there, too, I had the problem to display them on the frontend.
But anyway, I think the Admin columns is the right tool for me, as we would like to build an archive. And what you showed on your sample pages (like e.g. real estate seemed to me exactly what I wanted to see on our frontend (with our parameters).
I hope I could make myself understood (I am a real beginner!)

4 years, 5 months ago
Eva Mieslinger

I have seen an option in Admin columns to choose pods custom fields. Would this be a way to get them into the Admin columns-structure?
But then I wonder, which configuration would be the relevant one as to e.g. roles…? The pods field or the configuration on Admin columns?

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Our plugin has no way to show custom fields on the front-end.
It’s only possible to create columns out of custom fields and show them on the admin overview pages.
If you’re using Pods or ACF, you can use our specific integrations to create columns that are more fine-grained for the with those plugin generated custom fields. In that case it automatically recognizes the custom field type and make the pro feature work more specialized for specific Pods or ACF Types.

4 years, 5 months ago
Eva Mieslinger

Thank you. I think this will get me somewhat ahead in my work.

I’ve also installed the plugin Admin Columns Pro – Pods, but I can’t find the option within Admin Columns Pro as shown here.


I can only select “Type Pods”, but there is no selection as shown “Label: Pods Fields”.

I get the notice, “no pods fields”, although I have created quite a few.
If I create a new Pods field from within Admin Columns Pro, it isn’t recognized.

Maybe you’ve got an idea?

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The Pods column will only show Pods fields that are related to the overview (post type) you’re trying to add the column for. I’m not sure what you mean with ‘create Pods field from within Admin Columns Pro’, since that is not something that our plugin offers.

4 years, 5 months ago

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