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Richard Duncan

How To Set Default Sort Order Of Users By Registered Date Column



How do I set the default sort order on a screen.

For example, users default sort is by ID; however, I prefer users to be default sorted by Registered Date.

I have added the Registered Date column to the users screen, but am unsure how to set the default sort order so users will be default sorted by Registered Date.

Any assistance will be appreciated.

10 years, 5 months ago

Hi Phil,

We’re glad to hear you like Admin Columns Pro!

The sorting order is stored per post type (and other storage models) for every user. When you click on your sorting preference, the list will automatically be sorted by that key the next time you come back. However, it’s not possible to globally set the default sort order for all users.

Does this answer your question?

With kind regards,

10 years, 5 months ago

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