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Lyne Berro

How to add a WOO column that has a link to another WOO order number?

We want to have a column in woocommerce order list that let us pick an existing order, and once saved, that order is clickable to it opens the order details page, how to do that?

4 years, 5 months ago
David Mosterd

Hi Lyne,

Can you give me a bit more information? On which WooCommerce screen do you want this column? And in this column, you want to ‘select and order’?

I’m a bit unsure about what you want to achieve, but you could, for example, use the ACF field relationship and configure it to show only orders. Then with inline edit, you could select any order and it should resolve to a link on display.

Could something like that work for you?

4 years, 5 months ago

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