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Hi there – Building admin page to work with Admin columns Pro

Hi there,

I’m developing a site that has it’s own custom wp tables and admin pages to view them.

I’m wanting to build admin pages to work with Admin columns Pro.

The way my admin pages/wp-list-tables are currently set up is to extend the WP_List_Table class.

Here is a link to my code loaded in the functions file:

Really appreciate your guidance here.

Many thanks,

5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Tom,

I send you a message with an explanation.

In short: This will be very hard for you to support.
Our plugin works on the default WP List Tables and supporting new List Tables requires new so-called ListScreens in our plugin. Unfortunately, we don’t have any documentation on how to write this yourself.

5 years, 11 months ago

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