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Hard coded text

Come on guys, i’m at version 3.5.2 and there’s still some hard coded text in the php files. At least one, but one very annoying when you got picky clients, the ‘All’ term used in the selects to filter the columns.

model.php line 430:

if ( ! $top_label ) {
$top_label = sprintf( __( 'All %s', 'cpac' ), $column->options->label );

Please fix asap.

9 years, 5 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Kevin, thanks for the feedback.

The text “All %s” is consistent with the current implementation of filtering dropdowns by WordPress. We have tought about implementing another settings field, which would allow you to change this label, but didn’t find it particular usefull.

However if you do want to change this label you can use our builtin developer filter cac/addon/filtering/dropdown_top_label, which will allow you to accomplish the same thing. The documentation contains some working examples aswell.

9 years, 5 months ago

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