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Gravity forms integration

Add support/make an addon for Gravity Forms that allow for inline editing (and maybe sort, filter too)

This would be awesome. Editing Gravity Forms submissions is a pain in the butt. I would gladly pay/donate lots for this feature

10 years, 2 months ago

Hi Adam,

Unfortunately, Gravity Forms doesn’t use a standard WordPress-implementation for their overview screens. We’re planning on getting in touch with RocketGenius (the Gravity Forms author) about this, but that’s something for the future. For now, we can only hope that Gravity Forms improves on this itself :-).

Enjoy your day!

10 years, 2 months ago

Up-voting this feature request!

5 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m always a bit curious why you need our plugin for the Gravity Forms overview pages. Can you maybe tell me a bit more on which overviews you need our plugin and which feature you would specifically would like to see?

Gravity Forms already has a column management feature for the submission overview, plus it has a simple search feature. I can imagine that editing would be useful on the overview.

5 years, 2 months ago

I’m glad we are distinguishing here between overview and submissions screens.

My frustration with GF’s column management for submissions comes from ACP spoiling me (and my users). GFs column management is rudimentary and it doesn’t allow column width specification or number of characters to display, and filtering, so it’s really about usability and making the submissions lists more usable. When you add a column that regularly has more than 20 characters in it, it clips both the beginning and the end of the string (like Source URL) and you end up with …/page1/…

5 years, 2 months ago
Ken Priest

I second Jason’s request and his complaints about GF.

5 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your input on this.
I’ll discuss it further within the team and see if we can still find the time to finish the Gravity Forms integration for you.

5 years, 2 months ago

+1 from me

4 years, 10 months ago

+1 from me too!

4 years, 9 months ago
Mike Deegan

+1 from me too!

4 years, 8 months ago
Chad Hively

Yes please!!

4 years, 7 months ago
Daniel Tekle

This would be great and also linking to entries

4 years, 4 months ago

I don’t need this plugin to necessarily work on the Gravity Forms overview page. I actually want this so I can show a tally of Gravity Forms entries against my Custom Post Type.

Basically, I have a “Workshop” Custom Post Type and my Gravity Form has a meta value of the Workshop ID recorded in the form entry’s meta data. I would like to tally up the number Gravity Forms entries for a specific workshop post.


If this will never be possible, I would like this plugin to allow a “Custom SQL Query” for the column type, so we can execute “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}gf_entry_meta WHERE meta_key = “xyz” AND meta_value = {post_id}” to calculate the column value for each post.

3 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We have good news, we decided to build a Gravity Forms integration.
We focused on enabling column management for the Entry pages only and implemented Editing, Smart Filtering, and Export. If anyone like to try/test the current Release Candidate before we launch it, please send me a message at

It’s almost impossible to know this kind of relationship on forehand and create a column for it.
Since you already have the SQL in place, it should be quite easy to fit that into a custom column. You can follow the documentation with a toolkit to get you started:

3 years, 6 months ago

@STEFAN, that’s great!

Is it possible to get on a list to be notified when it’s released? Or will you post something here and we’ll get notified that way?


3 years, 3 months ago

@STEFAN I am so sorry for missing your reply! I am so excited to try out the custom field!

Thank you so much and love your work :)

3 years, 3 months ago
Arvind Victor Estibeiro

Hi The gravity forms integration only supports 2.5.x but there are so many changes in 2.5 that it will take a long time for us to move to that since things are moving slowly at the moment – is it not possible to allow backward compatibility atleast till 2.4…Thanks

2 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Since our Gravity Forms plugin is quite new, we made the entire codebase based on the latest version of Gravity Forms. We started development for an earlier version but as you already mentioned, there were so many changes in 2.5 that changed all code to make it work for the 2.5 version. Since our plugin highly depends on available hooks in Gravity Forms and even those were changed in the 2.5 version, I don’t see a situation where we will ever make it backward compatible for Gravity Forms < 2.5, sorry.

2 years, 11 months ago

Is it possible to add additional column support for the some of the other stored gravity Forms data other than the fields? For example Gravity Forms has a Timestamp for when the form was submitted that can be displayed in the native Gravity Forms entries list, but I don’t see anyway to do it when you plugin is added. It would be great if your addon didn’t take away options while providing its great features.

2 years, 11 months ago

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