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Gravity Forms integration not working with GF 2.5.x?

I’ve updated to 5.5.2 and installed the GF add-on but there are no tools to set up columns in the entries panel.
My GF version is – since the screenshots in the add-on documentation are from GF 2.4.x maybe the integration isn’t working (yet) with 2.5.x? Would be strange though since you announced the integration with the 5.5.2 update.
Looking forward to learn how to get it running.

3 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Lukas,

Yeah, the screenshot might be a bit misleading. We started building the integration for GF < 2.5 but since there were so many UI changes in 2.5, we made integration available only for GF 2.5 and up. Why you don't see a way to edit the columns is unsure so can you maybe send me some screenshots at
Also when you go to our settings page, are you able to select the entry pages in the drop-down above the column settings? And do you see a message on the plugins page that a dependency is missing for the Gravity Forms integration?

3 years, 5 months ago

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