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Generate a filtering url programmatically

When a user adds a filter by using the user interface available in post.php, the plugin calculates a url containing several “ac_” parameters.


Is is possible to calculate these URLs programmatically so that they can be used for example in other custom administration pages?

4 months, 3 weeks ago

In my specific case I found a solution based on this php code:

$acRules = urlencode("{\"condition\":\"AND\",\"rules\":[{\"uid\":\"10a59e4e200000\",\"id\":\"b3fac274a7efa0\",\"operator\":\"equal\",\"value\":\"{$term->term_id}\"}]}");
      $acParams = [
        'post_type' => 'documento',
        'ac-actions-form' => 1, 
        'layout' => '65fd5c2148633',
        'filter_action' => 'Filtra',
        'action'=> -1,
        'paged' => 1,
        'action2'=> -1,
        'ac-rules' => $acRules];            
      $filterUrl = add_query_arg($acParams, admin_url('edit.php'));

but it is clear that the ‘layout’ parameter should be retrieved in an installation-dependent manner…

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Using our Saved Filter feature can be helpful for your use case. You can learn more about it here.

Since filtering depends on the columns in a table, you’ll need to know the layout ID you’re working with. Saved Filters allow you to save your filter settings, and you can even set them as the default for a specific table using Predefined Filters. Once this is done, you only need to know the Layout ID to use in your custom link.

In any case, you must always know the specific layout ID to apply filter parameters.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Dear Stefan,

thank you for your suggestions.
In my case I’m trying to do everything in a programmatically way.
The layout ID and the field ID can be read from the table wp_admin_columns if you know the post_type and the field name that you want to filter on. Example:

$postType = 'contenuto';
$fieldName = 'tipologia';
$layout = $wpdb->get_row("select list_id,columns from {$wpdb->prefix}admin_columns where list_key='$postType'");
$layoutId = $layout->list_id;
$columns = unserialize($layout->columns);
$arr = array_filter($columns, function($col) { 
  return (array_key_exists('pods_field', $col) && ($col['pods_field'] == $fieldName));
$fieldId = $arr ? $arr[array_keys($arr)[0]]['name'] : null;
$uid = uniqid();
$acRules = urlencode("{\"condition\":\"AND\",\"rules\":[{\"uid\":\"$uid\",\"id\":\"$tipologiaDocumentoFieldId\",\"operator\":\"equal\",\"value\":\"{$term->term_id}\"}]}");
$acParams = [
        'post_type' => $postType,
        'ac-actions-form' => 1, 
        'layout' => $ayoutId,
        'filter_action' => 'Filtra',
        'action'=> -1,
        'paged' => 1,
        'action2'=> -1,
        'ac-rules' => $acRules];            
$filterUrl = add_query_arg($acParams, admin_url('edit.php'));

In this way I can calculate the url for filtering all posts of type $postType on field $fieldName by AC.

4 months, 3 weeks ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I see, there are no real way to do this easily within our plugin, so writing your own SQL to do that is a valid workaround in this case. Just be sure, I expect you to have a working solution now. Do you still need our input from us or can I close this ticket?

4 months, 3 weeks ago

Dear Stefan,

I have a working solution. You can close the ticket, thanks.

4 months, 3 weeks ago

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