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Front end order of items


I want to know if there is any possibility to customize the order of my posts in the front end. In my case, my posts are properties from a real estate agency, and I want to sort the properties depending on the quality of the property images and my business goals. There is any possibility to do that using admin columns pro?

Thank you so much

9 years, 12 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Admin Column wouldn’t be able to help you with that. It only affects the backend.

You can use either the loop or WP_Query object to change the order of posts on the frontend. It’s well documented on, I would suggest to have a look here:
The Loop
WP_Query or get_posts().


9 years, 11 months ago

i would also like to order post at backend and use that ordering at frontent too.
it has to be possible, because there are plugins that do that (ugly ones, but they do it)

a simple drag and drop for ordering and a save button.
and the default ordering should be menu_order.
Edit: if someone is interested too. i found out that if you dont need hierarchical ordering, then admin columns pro and Intuitive Custom Post Order work well together. at least at my first tests.

if admin columns pro is able to do that, then it is worth his money, because what else than a beautiful backend view that is even ordable do we need.

expect maybe column with multiple opions (if you have acf and 3 optional fields that can contain a image) i would like to select all 3 colums to search for a image, but only show 1 image at all.

9 years, 8 months ago

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