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Orlando Marconi

Folders – Compatibility vs Feature Request


I personally think it’s a compatibility request, but maybe it could be a new feature of AdminColumns…

I would like to know if you recommend any plugin to organize the pages. It really gets confusing when you have a lot of pages, what do you guys think?

I’m using this plugin, it’s working for now.

Folders – Unlimited Folders to Organize Media Library Folder, Pages, Posts, File Manager

Could it be a feature in the future?

2 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

A plugin like folders could indeed work.
Personally, I like organizing items based on some kind of category system more than based on folders. The main advantage of this kind of organizing is that you can find the same item inside multiple categories. So my solution would be to create a new taxonomy just for organizing purposes and use our plugin to filter on specific categories.
But of course, I’m a bit biased to make it work in combination with our plugin.

To be honest, I don’t see a way that we will support some kind of folder organizing mechanism in our plugin or that will support the Folder plugin any time soon.

2 years, 10 months ago
Orlando Marconi

Thanks, but do you recommend organizing pages using taxonomies?

2 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Yes sure, taxonomies are for organizing content. Of course, it is mostly explained for organizing for the front-end but I don’t see a reason why you won’t be using them for organizing the backend, especially in combination with our plugin :)
Have a look at the arguments, specifically the one with ‘public’ in their name to make it only available for the backend only.


2 years, 10 months ago

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