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Filter/sort by boolean not working on large user table


I’m trying to set up a filterable and/or sortable column for my users table, which includes about 35,000 rows. The custom field I’d like to sort/filter by stores a true/false value of 1 or 0/null. I’ve attempted to set it up both as a custom field and as an ACF field.

In both cases, the appropriate values are displayed in the new column, but the filter dropdown never gets past the “Loading values …” state, and attempting to sort by clicking the column heading does have the intended effect. In some cases, attempting to sort or filter has crashed my local server environment. I’ve had no issue doing this on smaller data sets of custom post types.

Are there any best practices I should know about that would help me use Admin Columns effectively with this large set of users?


8 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Ethan,

There are currently some issues with larger datasets, especially with sorting and filtering.
The problem is that some values are calculated or formatted before they are displayed. Think about and ID that is displayed as a title. To be able to sort on that column, we have get the value for each row before we can determine the correct sorted dataset. As you can imagine this can be a very heavy operation when you have 35,000 rows.

In our upcoming 4.0 release we already improved sorting a little bit but I think you still have a problem on this large of a dataset. Somewhere on our roadmap is a feature to support caching, this should heavily improve performance for sorting, searching and filtering, but before we can support this, we had some real refactoring to do. Fortunately a lot of these preparation are already in the 4.0 release.

I’ve made you a beta tester. You can now download the 4.0 beta for Admin Columns Pro and the new beta for ACF from your account. Maybe you can test it on your environment to see if works with your large dataset.

8 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for the detailed response and beta invitation, Stefan. I’ll give the beta a whirl, but sense that I’ll need to find an alternative way to provide my content folks with appropriately filtered groups of users.


8 years, 4 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re welcome.
I will close this ticket

8 years, 4 months ago

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