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Filtering custom user fields


Sorting users in a custom field column works well, but are there any plans to enable user filtering, particular by custom field?

In my example, I have a lot of users, all assigned with a “school” custom field. It would be a huge improvement if you could just filter the results by school, rather than sorting it alphabetically and then having to skip through the results pages.

I can imagine a lot of other scenarios where such a filter would be really useful.

Is there is any workaround to enable this in the short term?


9 years, 11 months ago

Hi Martin,

We’ve planned a complete revamp of filtering for version 3.5, due to be released in May 2015. This will include AJAX search in filtering, and user filtering as well. This will offer an option to filter by a custom field, displaying all possible custom field values in a dropdown.


9 years, 11 months ago

Hi Jesper,

That sounds great, thanks.

One thing I should have mentioned is that in my case the schools are custom post type posts with the user custom field set to the post ID.

Will there be an option to display the post title (by post ID) in the dropdown, similar to the column field type option?


9 years, 11 months ago
Tobias Schutter

This has been implemented in version 3.5

9 years, 7 months ago

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