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Filtering conditions language


is it possible to translate filter conditions in another language than English?

Now when I build a custom filter on top of posts list, it says “contains, not contains, greater than, smaller than” etc…

I know English language and for me it is not a problem, but some users say “what does this means???”.

And of course a user interface half in Italian and half in English it does not look beautiful.


5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Stefano,

Thanks for your message.
Admin Columns can be translated, but this is completely done by the community.
Admin Columns Pro contains two translation files:

– Translation for the Free version which is included in Admin Columns Pro
The translation for the free version are managed on ( ) and can be translated by anyone. The translation filed (.mo) goes into the following directory

– Translation for the string specifically in the Pro version
These translation are managed on Transifex ( ) and you need an account to translate the strings there. All translations are fetched for every release we do. But you can do your own translation and put the file in the following directory

The filter conditions are part of the pro version so that’s the place to look for.

5 years, 11 months ago

Hi Stefan,

thankyou for your fast answer.

The text I need to translate are contained in Javascript that is not managed by .mo and .po files.

I already tried to use Poedit or Loco plugin but these strings are hard-coded in Javascript.

How can we do?


5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The strings you’re talking about ( “contains, not contains, greater than, smaller than”) are indeed in the javascript, but we use localize_script to manage it in PHP. All those strings should be translatable on Transifex except for one string ‘Add Filter’ which will be translatable for the next version we release.

5 years, 11 months ago

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