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John Man

Filter/Smart filter not available for custom field column

I have developed a few custom field columns with the source code kit but seems they are not filterable i.e. the option is not available on the column configuration for views and smart filtering for those columns are not displaying. Sometimes the sorting function is problematic (see my another issue).

When I look into the sample source code, the class for filtering is not implemented. Please let me know how can I code that into my columns. Thank you.

4 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Smart Filtering and Filtering is a bit more advanced to implement, and it is indeed not part of the default template. I’ve started a new branch that includes models for smart filtering and filtering which you can find here:

Basically, these models allow you to hook into the WP_Query based on the input from our plugins UI.
At this moment we’re improving Sorting to be much faster than the old models. We discourage using the old sorting models that sort on the actual value rendered by our column. This means that the example template will change a bit to use more efficient models.

Do you think you can work with the example for the working branch?

4 years, 6 months ago

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