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Markus Leitner

Filter page and all subpages

hi there,

as a new user to the Admin Columns Pro plugin, let me please ask:

I am looking for a way to filter for a specific page and all of its subpages. Reason is, that I want to bulk edit categories, etc. for that specific branch of my pages structure.

I can not figure out how to set up a filter to accomplish that.
Any hints?


4 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


We don’t have a specific solution to filter a complete subtree for a page or hierarchical post type.
It’s because of the way that the page structure is stored in the database that makes it difficult and heavy on performance to filter on.

You could try the Parent column that allows you to search for direct children for a specific page, but it will not filter the children of those pages as well. Unfortunately, I don’t see another way to filter a complete tree with our plugin.


4 years, 8 months ago
Markus Leitner

Hi Stefan,

thanks for getting back to me on this.

Okay, understand. Then I have to look for a different approach to solve this.
I also had this workaround idea, but it is unfortunately not really applicable.


4 years, 8 months ago

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