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Filter only column

With a couple of my custom post types I have a larger number of custom fields, (15+ fields) many of which I want to filter on. Right now the only way I see to add a filter is to add the field as a column to the table. Problem is when you have more then 6 or so columns, the table data gets too cramped and very difficult to look at. Has it ever been asked as a feature to just add a filter rather then adding another column to get the filter? Am I missing something on how I can get a filter without displaying the column data as well?

5 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Every our plugin does is related to columns, so yeah, you need a column in order to search on its value.
But there are two ways to get around the large overviews.

1) You could enable our ‘Horizontal scrolling’ feature through the screen options menu that makes the overview much more readable and usable when you have a lot of columns.

2) You could use the default WordPress feature to hide columns. You can find this feature also in the screen options menu (right top of the screen) and uncheck the column you want to hide. Smart filtering and other features will still be available, even if the column is hidden.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

5 years, 3 months ago

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