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Filter on iphone

I purchased the pro plugin for a client with a real estate website, so that he can filter easily through the properties.
He has an iphone, but this doesn’t show the filterable fields/-buttons – only the names on top of the fields with the arrows up and down. This is not workable for over a hundred properties or more. (even the iphone 6, we get the same issue)
Any way how to fix this?


9 years, 6 months ago
Tobias Schutter

Hi Wim, we’ll do some additional test for the mobile screens ( incl. the iphone ). Thank you for reporting this issue.

9 years, 6 months ago
Tobias Schutter

I noticed it’s intended behavior by WordPress’ mobile stylesheet.The CSS will hide the top bar on mobile devices. You could overrule this by adding a bit of CSS yourself. You can use my example code, just place it in your theme’s functions.php

 * Show table top actions bar on mobile devices
function my_show_table_top_actions_bar_on_mobile_devices() { ?>
    <style type="text/css"> .actions {
            display: block !important;
            margin-bottom: 20px;
    </style> <?php
add_action( 'cac/admin_head', 'my_show_table_top_actions_bar_on_mobile_devices' );
9 years, 6 months ago

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