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Filter media by “Used as featured image” doesn’t work.


Everything is in the title. I noticed that some of my featured images do not have alt text and I wanted to use admin column to find easily all the featured images. You have a “Feature image” field and I tick the filtering option. When I try to filter images by “Used as featured image” no image is found.

Is anybody has the same problem ?


5 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


I tried to reproduce the issue, but it seems to work correctly on a fresh install.
Do you maybe have some custom code that alters the behavior of the featured image?
Or maybe there is a plugin that takes the Feature image from another source than the media library?

You could add the Custom Field column and select the key ‘_thumbnail_id’.
It should contain an ID, so if you could check if that is the case on the overview for that specific column.

5 years, 2 months ago

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