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Filter for "number" (max/min) doesn't work for pods fields

I have a CPT with pods table storage.
I enable the filter option for a number field

For any value the filter result is always empty!

Filter works for Relationship type fields!
It seems to me that the integration doesn’t deal with table storage properly
Pods takes care that in most use cases WordPress get’s the data as we filter get_meta and ohter functions!

6 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the feedback.
Filtering, Sorting and Editing does not work for Table Storage enabled post types.
Displaying content for those fields works as expected because it will go through the default WordPress/Pods filters for get_meta() as you already mentioned.

I’m not sure if we will support filtering, editing and sorting for table storage fields in the future of our Pods integration, but we can at least don’t show the possibility for those fields to enable it in the first place. You can expect that check in the upcoming release, but support for Table Storage filtering, sorting and editing will probably not be available any time soon.

6 years, 5 months ago

I’ll take a look at your code – because for the most use cases pods integrates with get_post_meta() table storage more or less just works with default WordPress usage! This might be just a minor issue and maybe we can work out something, I can take care of changes maybe needed within pods (I’m part of the Team) if you are interested.
Is there a better way to collaborate on that issue then via Support Tickets?
Looking forward to your reply!

6 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I must rephrase my last reply.
Both Sorting and Editing will work with Table Storage.

But filtering will be more of a challenge since we rely on the meta_query to query the posts on the overview page.
We can discuss this further in your Slack channel to see what we can do.

6 years, 5 months ago
Jeremy Parrott

Has there been any more consideration for compatibility with PODS custom tables? I love your plugin… I just really need it to filter my custom post types.

5 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Jeremy,

There are currently no plans to support that in the near future.
It will still be on our feature request board though.

5 years, 1 month ago

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