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Filter for Inline Editing capability

Hi there,

as far as I can tell and read in other support posts, currently the inline editor button is shown depending on the users capability to edit a certain post type. While that might be enough for most cases, we do require to have a more finegrained approach. I see two options: introducing a new capability or including a filter in the capability check, so I can add my own security approach.
Background: We have a big db with loads of users which publish custom posts in our system. While I would like the admins to be able to use the inline editor, I don’t want the users to have the same capability. Mostly for simplicity, but also because we ran our custom validation checks in the post editor with ACF, which are not working in the inline table list editor.
Thanks a lot!
best wishes,

6 years, 10 months ago

Sorry for the typos, I’m in a hurry =)

6 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your feedback.
I understand your use case, but we have to think carefully about both possible sollutions.
I’ve created a feature request for this on Github but I like to discuss this issue with the rest of the team before we make a decision on how we want to approach this request.


6 years, 10 months ago

Cool, thanks!

6 years, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You’re welcome. I will close this topic

6 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

For customers with the use case where specific columns must be inline editable or not for specific users, we do have a filter that allows you to do this.

When this filter returns NULL, editing is disabled for that specific column. Since this filter has knowledge of the column (with all properties), the object ID and you can check for the current user, you have everything you need to alter the behavior for specific columns based on the ID and/or User.

We will still investigate if it is useful to introduce a new capability for inline editing and how we can make this backward compatible with existing installs.

6 years, 4 months ago

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