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Filter dropdown to limit 10 results


I have an acf relational post field and I’m using Admins Columns but I’m getting to many results on select field filtering. How to show only the last 10 results? I’m trying with dropdown_args filter without success. I think slice only the options array is not the best perform solution.

6 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Can you tell me if you’re already on the Admin Columns 4.4 version? This new release has a new feature called Smart Filtering, and in those drop downs you can easily search instead of looking through the options.

If you do not see the update on your plugins page, you’ll have to download the latest version from our website and install it manually as our 3.8.7 version, unfortunately, does not recognize the new update.

6 years, 3 months ago

Hi Stefan, Yes I have 4.4 but Smart Filtering is not ideal for our workflow.

Try to explain for a bunch of old editors and journalist from a newspaper that now they have to type to select the correct relational.

There is no way to change the query for the dropdown?

6 years, 3 months ago

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