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Máté Lovas

Filter dropdown args by language

I need some help.
I am trying to use
I have custom post type on a site with 4 languages and we use wmpl on it.
I would like to add filtering, and that works fine, the problem is that if I am on hungarian languange, I can see the post title in the filter dropdown from all other languages.
How can I filter the dropdown so that I see the titles from only the language selected?

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I assuming that you’re running this hook for a custom field column, is that correct?
When using this filter, you probably end up using a second call to retrieve all the available options.
By default, our filter drop-down is populated to query the database and just check for all available posts which (meta) values are available. That can be a heavy operation on large datasets. I’m not sure if WPML or yourself has a function to retrieve the available used values for a specific language because that is probably much faster than our logic.

4 years, 5 months ago

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