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Filter by plugin

We have a plugin built to display properties. We simply want the ability to sort the properties. Why is this not available to have the column sortable?

9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Sorting should be available for most columns.
But one thing to know is that there are 3 types of columns that our plugin can handle:

  1. Default WordPress columns that are present on each overview
  2. Columns that are added with our plugin.
  3. Columns that are added by other plugins.

For the first two columns, sorting is available because we always now how the columns are added to the overview.
For the 3th type of columns, it’s not possible to support inline edit, filtering and sorting because a lot of extra functionality could be added to a column by a plugin. I support that the columns you want to sort on are of the third category.

The only way to add inline edit support and sorting for those fields is to remove them and add the fields again with our plugin. You can add a column with Type = Custom Field and find the field you want to add in the dropdown. You can even set the Format of the field so sorting and filtering is done the right way.

9 years ago

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