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Feature Requests – Pods Plugin

This plugin is absolutely amazing. Well worth the money.

A few features that would be handy (maybe this is user error)

– When choosing a related pod it would be great if you could choose one of the custom meta fields. E.g:
I have a pod called Sites and another called Offers. I’d like to output a custom related field value on the Sites screen.

– When choosing a field that is a URL it would be good if you could make that URL open in a new window e.g: target=”_blank$postID” to ensure it opens in a new window each time.

Thank you for all your hard work on this.

6 years, 9 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius


Thank you very much for your feedback.
Your first request is definitely something we will add to our product.
We already have a feature request for this. You can follow it here:

About your second request. We don’t want to clutter the column interface by introducing a new setting just for the link target. But since you have the option in Pods to make the field a link and set the target, we can use this option to open the links in the overview also in a new tab/windows. I’m not sure if you’re using this function and since it is not working at this moment, you could use the following snippet to open each Pods website link in a new window.

 * Add target=blank to each Pods Column for all links
 * @param $value  string
 * @param $id     int
 * @param $column AC_Column
function acp_column_value_pods_field_link_target( $value, $id, $column ) {

	if ( $column instanceof ACA_Pods_Column ) {
		$value = str_replace( '<a', '<a target="_blank"', $value );

	return $value;

add_filter( 'ac/column/value', 'acp_column_value_pods_field_link_target', 10, 3 );
6 years, 9 months ago

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