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Feature request – “menu_order” functionality

Hi, for years I’ve used plugins like “Post Types Order” to allow my clients to drag-and-drop and sort their custom post types or Pages or Taxonomy terms, so that they display in the sorted order (ie, to update the ‘menu_order’ number in an automated way rather than having to type in numbers manually). Often those plugins are incompatible with ACP, or just not as slick and lovely. :) It would be amazing if this were something you’d consider adding to ACP either as an add-on or in the core plugin. Thank you!

2 years, 3 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

We have no plans at this moment to create a similar behavior like the ‘Post Type Order’.
But I believe that the plugin can still be used together with our plugin.
It is always possible to create a view (column set) with the default WordPress columns.
As long as the page is not sorted, you should be able to use the ‘Post Type Order’ plugin.
It is good to know that we store the last sorting action as a preference, so that the next time you visit the page, the overview is still sorted as before. You can Reset sorting by clicking on the ‘Reset Sorting’ button on top of the table to go back to the default sorting for the page.

2 years, 3 months ago

I agree. This would be a great feature to add.

1 year, 6 months ago

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