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Feature Request: Drag-n-drop image fields

It would be AWESOME if, during inline editing of image fields (like Featured Image and ACF image), we could drag a file straight from the OS and drop it onto the field’s pencil/edit icon, having it upload/save the image automatically in one step.

This would bypass multiple tedious steps (clicking on the pencil, opening media library, dragging image into media library, hitting ‘select’ button in media library).

Would be a massive time-saver for when we have to manually populate/swap a large number of individual images.

5 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thank you very much for your feedback.
I like the idea and I will definitely have a look at the possibilities.
But I cannot give you a guarantee on if and when we’re going to implement such a feature.
I’ve added your request to our feature request and issue list.

5 years, 1 month ago
John Carter

What was the outcome of this? I think the issue was moved to the private repo.

4 years, 5 months ago

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