Fatal error on upgrade
After upgrading from 4.3.4 to 4.3.5, I get this error, when I try to view any post listing screen (Posts, Pages, custom post types):
[28-Jul-2018 18:41:30 UTC] PHP Notice: AC_Column is a deprecated class since version 4.3! Use AC\Column instead. in /home/114570.cloudwaysapps.com/dewjdpedah/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes/Autoloader/Underscore.php on line 132
[28-Jul-2018 18:41:30 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class AC_Column_Post_Parent, because the name is already in use in /home/114570.cloudwaysapps.com/dewjdpedah/public_html/wp-content/plugins/admin-columns-pro/admin-columns/classes/Column/Post/Parent.php on line 10
I am also using the plugin “Admin Columns Pro – Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)”. ACF is one minor release behind current: 5.6.10.
Following a recent similar post, I cleared various server-side caches without effect.
The strange part is that I don’t experience this error on my staging server, only Production. They are basically identical, only less RAM/CPU on staging. There is no record of a spike in RAM or CPU usage. And there are a few settings in wp-config that are different between staging and production, that’s it.
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