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Cornelia Schneider

Fatal error – JetEngine custom field (checkbox)

I’m using Admin Columns Pro with JetEngine add-on. For some reason it keeps crashing when I try to add columns from JetEngine custom fields (checkboxes fields, saved as array).
What is working however is when I add the columns with a default custom field and manually enter the field key:

It’s a workaround to at least display the values but not as neat for inline editing (checkbox values are only displayed as text, not the actual checkboxes).

It’s only the checkbox and radio fields that are behaving like this, normal text fields are fine. Am I doing something wrong?

1 year, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your report. Do you have the issue when adding the column on the settings page?
Or give the added column an issue on the actual table?
Do you know if there is any error log for the issue or do you see an error on the screen?
You can send any data to so we can take it up from there.

1 year, 6 months ago
Cornelia Schneider

Hi Stefan,
the issue is happening when I add the column. In the Admin Columns interface everything looks fine but when I check on the users, only 3 out of 210 are showing up along with now a critical error message (which is also sent by email):

The newly added column is the one on the far right, “Rang Hund”. It is showing the checkboxes when inline editing which is a good thing, but the majority of users are not showing up anymore:

1 year, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for the feedback. Will it be possible for me to have a look at the issue on your test or staging domain so I can try to reproduce the issue myself? Please contact me at so I can help you further there.

1 year, 6 months ago

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