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Robert Schweitzer

Export ACF Repeater Field Values to CSV (with delimiter)

Hi dear team,

first of all i want to gratulate you to this really practical and helpfull Plugin.

And now to my goal:
I want to export a huge fieldset with reapeater sub fields (like in an event calendar)
Here you can see an screenshot:

When i Export this Table i get an CSV with comma separated Fields (Title, Artists, Dates, Venues, Cities, Countries, Canceled, Notiz).
All the subfields like “Dates” are combined in one CSV/Excel Field without any deleimiter.

My question or suggestion:
Is it possible to export the repeater fields comma separated line per line and to just duplicate the “Title” and “Artists” Field in each line of the repeater?
Here you can see how i try to get it exported:

best regards

2 years, 2 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your feedback. I understand what you’re asking, but unfortunately, this is not something that is possible in our plugin. Although this could work if you have a single repeater field and just create a row for each item in the repeater, it will not work if you have multiple repeater columns. But in order to make it a bit more manageable, we will put a delimiter between the repeated values in the next update that can be changed with a hook as well.

2 years, 2 months ago
Robert Schweitzer

Hi there,

yes would be great to have a delimiter for the Repeater Column fields… would be great if you could let define a custom delimiter too :) Different CSV-Import Tools use sometimes different delimiter and sometimes you have the situation that the content of a field contains exectly the delimiter as character in the content.

Can you telle me when this will happen?

Thank you
best robert

2 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The 6.0 will be released in the upcoming days.
The hook you can use in 6.0 will be acp/acf/export/repeater/delimiter

2 years, 1 month ago
Robert Schweitzer

Thank you, appreciate your effort and will test the hook imidiatly when it’s released :)

2 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

You can already download the latest 6.0 release from your account page.
It will be later available this week as update in your WordPress environment.

2 years, 1 month ago

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