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Etienne Delcambre

Error with Gravity forms entries exportation

I get an error when trying to export Gravity Form entries using Admin Columns Pro, I don’t know if it is due to my specific configuration or not.
When I click on Export, the button changes as when it works, but nothing happens. In the console, I see 4 equal errors :
I have WordPress 5.7.3 ; Gravity Forms 2.5.10 ; Admin Columns Pro 5.5.3 ; Admin Columns – Gravity Forms add-on 1.0.2
Do you have an idea ?

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Etienne,

Can you check the network tab in your console and send me the response of the call that is fired when hitting the export button? Please send that information to so I can help you further by email.

3 years ago

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