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Display Toolset Types child field as thumbnail in parent's admin column

In Toolset Types I have a custom post type of “Patient” with a child post type of “before and after”. The child type is just a set of 2 photos. A patient can have several before & after photos.
I would like to display only the first set of before & after photos (child[0]) as thumbnails in the parent’s admin columns. This will help the user identify patients when using the admin.
How can this be accomplished?

7 years, 8 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Jason,

Unfortunately we missed this parent/child feature of types in our first version of the Types integration add-on for Admin Columns Pro. This feature is planned for the 4.1 release so you can create a column for a parent/child post. Since we have not yet started with this feature and do not completely know how this feature of Types works, I cannot help you much further with your issue.

If you need this feature on short notice and you’re a developer, you could consider to create your own column. You can find the documentation for this including an template/example here:

If you need any help with that, please let me know.

7 years, 7 months ago

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