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Fady Zaki

Display the data on the columns inside orders

Thanks to your plugin AdminColumns, I turned my Woocommerce Orders page into some kind of dashboard where I created a Notes column. I easily add notes there on the main Orders page. But how do I display such particular field (like order notes) on the actual order when I open its page?

Thank you!

3 years, 1 month ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you tell me how you created the notes for your orders on the overview page? WooCommerce already has a way to stored notes to an order and with our WooCommerce integration, you can create a column for those notes and it will be displayed on the edit order page as well.

I expect that you created a custom field to store this note on an order. It is good to know that our plugin does nothing on the edit pages, our plugin only changes the list tables. But you can use a custom field manager to create custom fields for your orders like ACF, Pods, Types, Meta Box, or JetEngine. They will also show the meta box for that field on the edit pages as well plus you will be able to create a column for it with our plugin.

3 years, 1 month ago
Fady Zaki

Just wanted to thank you Stefan. In summary, you were right about everything you said. Now I will use ACF to properly achieve what I want.

3 years, 1 month ago

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