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Delete the old field names


When I tested your plugin with various other plugins for creating custom fields (pods, types, ACF, CFS…), I created many test fields. Then I deleted them and remove unnecessary plugins. But the drop-down ‘Custom Field’ still contains the names of these fields. How can I remove them?

Alexey M.

9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Alexey,

Our plugin looks for all possible metavalues (custom field) that are available in the database. You probably have some posts which have still the custom metadata attached to them. The only way to not show them anymore in the dropdown list of your custom field is to be sure that there are no more posts that have those fields attached to them with values.

The best way to remove those metafields is to do a query on the database and remove those fields yourself or by using the WordPress function delete_post_meta_by_key (). See more information here But please be sure that you know what you’re doing because this will remove all metafields with a specific key!

9 years ago

Thanks! I got it!

9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Great, you’re welcome.

9 years ago

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