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Default Sort Option for Columns


It would be great if we could specify a column that would sort the data by default. Example would be adding the registration date to the users list, and then setting the default sort to that field so the latest users that registered appear first.



5 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your input.
At this moment, It’s not possible with our plugin to set a default order for a list screen, but we have a few options that could work with a workaround.

1) The order of a listscreen is determined by a param in the URL (orderby and order). You could create your own link to the overview and change the default menu with some WordPress hooks.

2) When a user sorts on a specific column on the overview, this is stored as a user preference. So next time the user visits the overview page, the overview is still sorted on that column until the user reset the sorting preference (button on top of the overview) or sorts on another column.

5 years, 7 months ago

Thanks for the feedback, Stefan! Hopefully this will be able to implemented sometime in the future. Love the plugin, thanks for all you do!

5 years, 7 months ago

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