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Date Order


Yesterday i buyed your plugin.
I really like it.

but i have a small problem.

I want to order a custom field named (afleverdatum) deliverydate.
The customer select a date (frontend) when he want’s to delivery his product.

In the backend on the order coloms in Woocommerce i have add the (afleverdatum) deliverydate, i have selected order column, but something goes wrong the plugin select on the first numbers of the date.

This is how the plugin sort, for example:

Can you help me?

10 years, 8 months ago

Hi Job,

Thanks for your issue report! Just about all columns are sortable, but when it comes to formatted dates, sorting can be difficult. Could you provide us with some more information by answering the following questions?

1. Are you using a third party plugin to add the custom field “afleverdatum”, such as Advanced Custom Fields or Pods?
2. What is the “Field Type” you’re using for the custom field in the Admin Columns Settings?

With kind regards,

10 years, 8 months ago

Hi Jesper,

Thnx for your message.

1. Yes we use WooCommerce Custom Checkout Manager.
They provide a date picker.

2. The Field type was indeed “Default”

I changed it to date “datum” now are the field date related. (2 mei 2014)

But when i now filter the is sorting still not right.

10 years, 8 months ago

Hi Job,

Thanks for the additional information. The dates in “afleverdatum” are stored as dd-mm-yyyy. When sorting custom field columns, we just sort alphabetically, in most cases (including date fields).

Unfortunately, there’s no easy, quick way to solve this at this point. However, I’ll put this in our list of feature requests, and we might add support for it later!

For now, you can consider storing dates in a different format (for example, with a timestamp, or in a format where years are the first number, months the second and days the last, such as yyyymmdd).

With kind regards,

10 years, 8 months ago

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