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Jean-Francois Bourgault

Date field empty on export.


We updated to v6.13 and since then we experimenting problem with the colmuns export on CPT. Every fields are displaying the date right, but on export, the value keep being empty. CPTs are created from Gravity Form when a form is filled and sent, then a CPT is created. Interesting point; if I save the CPT (without editing anything and keeping the same status, “Save for revision”), then all dates of the CPT appears ok in the exported file. The date values in the post_meta table, related to this CPT doesnt seams to have change at all. I’m stuck here.

May you help me with that please?

1 year, 10 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Thanks for your message. Do I understand you correctly then only when you make any changes to the generated post (CPT) the export feature does not work anymore as expected? This sounds to me like the data that Gravity Forms stores are not exactly the same as when you make any changes to the post. You might want to gave a look at the actual data in your database for this field when GF makes the post and after you make a change to the post.

Can you share your findings with me and also send me a screenshot of your column setup for this specific column that does not work as expected?

1 year, 10 months ago

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