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Custom Post Types with custom fields – Types plugin – filtering list

I try to activate the filtering of a custom field in a custom post type, created by the Types Plugin.

If I activate the filtering of that custom field (which is a selection field, the user can select from a listbox one of multiple values), the filtering-box appears. But there are values from OTHER custom fields in that filtering listbox, not only the one i have chosen in admin columns pro.

I made some screenshots of the problem and the configuration of types and your plugin.

The reason i bought your plugin, was that filtering of admin views. Please provide a solution.

Thank you

10 years, 6 months ago

Maybe the problem comes from re-sorting the custom columns in the types plugin?

If i add other custom fields via admincolumnspro to the admin view and activate filtering of these columns, the filtering listboxes show the content of other custom fields.

Please help.


10 years, 6 months ago

Thanks for your support request. That’s quite strange, do you have any idea from which other custom field these values may originate?

10 years, 6 months ago

ok. I did some debugging. It’s a problem with the caching.
in /pro/classes/filtering/classes/post.php on line 353 I deactivated the cache
(the dirty way):

// cache available?
//if ( $cache = $column->get_cache( 'filtering' ) ) {
if ( 0 == 1 ) {

After that everything is ok.
Please provide an update.

Thank you

10 years, 6 months ago

That’s quite strange indeed! We’ve had a few problems with caching and we’re reviewing the way we cache results. The caching is always purged on adding, modifying or deleting a post, so in most cases, this won’t be a problem. It’s also another quick-and-dirty solution to the problem.

We’re not sure whether it has to do with conflicts with other plugins, but we’re definitely looking into it. It might take a while, however, as we’re looking into changing the cache in Admin Columns as a whole.

10 years, 6 months ago

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