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Custom Post Type not available after update

I was using Admin Columns Pro on a custom post type, it was working fine. I updated to the latest version (5.6) and I lost the ability to manage columns on that post type after the upgrade. (The button to manage columns disappears, it does not show up in the list if you go to the main edit screen for admin columns).

Its still working on other custom post types (WooCommerce Products and The Events Calendar) so I am wondering if there is a specific setting on the register post type args that needs to be activated? Any insights would be helpful.


3 years ago

Weird. For some reason I had put a real high number in the priority param of the init hool. Not sure why it worked before and not now, but putting a lower number did the trick.

3 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

I’m glad you found the issue.
We register the list tables for all post types on the init hook with priority 1000.
So registering the post type below that priority should be ok.
Strange though, since we did not change the priority of our hooks recently.

3 years ago

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