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Custom post Title

This may beyond the support you have for the plugin. I’m using the a custom post type and when I delete the title, it appears at the end of the columns anyway, this is ok but can I moe it to the front of the column order, I’m using the wp job manger plugin.


9 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Frank,

All columns added by our plugin with Type set to ‘Custom Fields’ have no relation with fields added by plugins like Custom Post Type. These plugin saves data to the default WordPress custom fields (meta fields) and that is the only relation we make. When you delete a field in the plugin Custom Post Type, the value is still available in the database.

If you used the custom field column, you should be able to reorder the column to the front of the overview. If it was a specific column added by a plugin and it is not showing up in the list of columns, you should restore the columns or just save the settings for the overview.

9 years ago

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