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Sofia Gaide

Custom post media – media type

I have created two meta with file uploader.
When I try to show this fields I choose media and the column just show an icon. Those meta contains a doc file and xls.

I try to see the value of that meta on the database and I get as value the id of attachment. Could you please help me?

Also, I try to create a two custom column via function.php and i get a message that xouldnt export. Have you any tutorial how can I do those columns exportable?

Thank you.

5 years ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you send me a screenshot or export of your column settings and let me know what type of data you want to show?
I don’t fully understand your use case and what you’re trying to accomplish.
Please send me the information at

About the export feature, we don’t the export of third-party columns at this moment.
If you already created a custom column in functions.php, you could consider creating a new column for Admin Columns Pro. We have a toolkit that will get you started.

5 years ago

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