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Custom fields filters dissapeared after update


I’ve updated to latest versions of AC and AC-Buddypress today (had 4.7 something and 1.4 versions) and I cannot search users by phone numbers or social security numbers like I used to do before.
The columns still exist but the filter button dissapeared. On settings the columns I need don’t have the “enable smart filtering” option, just the “register date and role on site columns.

I’m using latest wordpress and Buddypress verions.

Please help

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Can you send me a screenshot of the corresponding column settings?
Are you using the BuddyPress columns?
You’ll need to enable smart filtering per column, but I’m not sure what that option is not available.

4 years, 5 months ago

Lol….replies aren’t shown so I took time to repost pics and rewrite the message again

4 years, 5 months ago

I partly solved this after writting the first message.
During update, the columns type was modified from profile-fields_field-name to default_field-name.
I’ve recreated the columns correctly (the ones with name written in blue) but still can’t figure out how to bring back the Filter button how it was before updating.

Reinstalled a backup of the website on a subdomain to check setings and post screenshots. old1 old2 new1 new2

4 years, 5 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Based on your screenshot, everything should be ok.
Can you check on the settings page if you did not hide the Smart Filtering feature (in the optional settings > hide on screen) or on the list table page in the screen options menu (top right).
If that is also ok, can you check your browser’s console if there are any errors on the page?

4 years, 5 months ago

I checked the top of the screen, smart filtering was ticked.
Also, I think there were no errors in page (if you meant to right click on page -> inspect and look there).
But problem seems solved now.
Logged back into the back-up when everything worked, went to settings->tools->download export file. Uploaded it to the main website and now it works, despite the fact that everything seems to be exact the same :))

4 years, 5 months ago

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