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Custom field values not showing as they should

I added a Custom Field filter to the Users and some of the values in the dropdown are ok but some look like this


Is there something I need to change in the settings or in the way that the custom filed is changed.

The custom field is an ACF relationship field that I set it as Post and selected to show Title

4 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

The data from the ACF Relationfield is stored as serialized data.
Our Custom Field column cannot handle serialized data, especially for filtering.
It will probably find the results when you select the serialized string, but I understand that is not ideal.
But I’m wondering why you don’t use the ACF column instead of the Custom Field column.
Our ACF column should fix all of these issues. Can you try that column and let me know if that solves it?

4 years, 7 months ago

I already tried it but it but I get something completely different as a result. I select the group field and select the appropriate subfield. I set it as post and choose title and as a result I get “Hello World” instead of the actual value.

“Hello World” is the post title of the only post I currently have on the site.

4 years, 7 months ago

Also the issue with values in only in the filter. The column gives me the right values.

4 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Ah I see,
The ACF Group field is not fully supported at this moment, but we’re working on that.
Unfortunately, there is no simple solution for this without coding, since our custom field column simply cannot handle serialized data.

You could use the following filter to loop through all options in $args[‘option’] and deserialized the value yourself.

4 years, 7 months ago

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