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Custom Field Sortation (Descending) Has Stopped Working

Hi there,

As of a couple of weeks ago. We have been unable to sort descending by any of our Custom Fields.
If we click the field header to sort, it sorts Ascending. However, we would normally click it a 2nd time to have it sort Descending – this is no longer working.

We use this to sort the Property ID fields in our property sales website.

Any idea why this would be?

5 years, 11 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi Karl,

Do you have Yoast SEO installed on your environment?
I was about to say that is works on a clean install (which it does) until I also tried it on a local environment with Yoast installed. It seems that (maybe since a last version of Yoast) that a lot of our column, mostly custom field related, do not sort descending anymore when the Yoast SEO plugin is active. Since there was nothing changed on our side recently, I suspect that a change in Yoast must have inflicted this. I’ll make a ticket for this to investigate this further and see if this is something that could be fixed on our side or should be fixed on the Yoast side.

5 years, 11 months ago

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