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Custom Field. Field Type “Date” not filterable.

Hi Guys,

I have a custom field “order_session_date” which is a date (l d F Y). When I select field type date I can’t filter/sort by this field. Default works – but doesn’t have the same filter/sort functions. Please could you let me know where i’m going wrong.


3 years, 7 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

Hi there,

It’s good to know that in order to filter and sort on date type fields, the date format must be stored as an ISO date format (Y-m-d) or Unix Timestamp. The format that is stored for your custom field is not a format that can be sorted or filtered easily in the database, so that’s the reason that sorting and filtering does not work for your custom field. In your case, the ‘default’ field type is the only option that will work for your date format and there is no way to change it unfortunately.

3 years, 7 months ago

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