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Jeff Gabrielson

“Custom” example – “Play” action button

Hi there! I’m just wondering how we go about adding a custom action button to a list, as shown in your “Custom” example where you see a “Play” button as a column. That’s new! How do I do that?

4 years, 6 months ago
Stefan van den Dungen Gronovius

It is an example of what is possible with our plugin.
We don’t have an actual column that does exactly that.
But with our hooks it is possible to change a custom field column into a play button.
The code would look something like this (missing the needed checks)

add_filter( 'ac/column/value', function( $value, $id, AC\Column $column ){
	if( $column instanceof AC\Column\Meta ){
		// Check for specific meta key and file type
		$value = sprintf('<audio controls><source src="%s" type="audio/mpeg"></audio>', $value );

	return $value;
}, 10, 3 );

More information about the used hook can be found here:

4 years, 6 months ago

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